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External and Self-evaluation

External evaluation meeting utterance summary

Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate Schools
(Development of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing)
Proceeding outline of the external evaluation meeting

1. Date & time: June 13 (Sat.), 2009 14:00 乣 15:10
2. Place: Hotel Kyowa (Miyakojima-city)
3. Attendants: Tadashi Nakasone, Mitsuo Nagahama, Yukiko Ueda,
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂Eiki Senaha and Hidehiko Tamashiro, Miwako Noguchi,
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂Kazuko Maeda, Eiko Kadekaru, Midori Kamisato
4. Secretariat: Shinzato, Ishiki, Une
5. Outline of proceedings
丂丂The proceeding situation of the fiscal year 2008 and the program plan of the
丂丂fiscal year 2009 were explained by the self-evaluation committee, and the
丂丂opinion of the external evaluation committee was asked.

Ueda committee
丂With regard to the nursing in island, students can learn the fundamental island
丂nursing education by learning the characteristics in the local community.
丂Where is the position of the preparatory education proceeded before entering
丂the graduate school?

Noguchi committee
丂Two years before, the program that meets the need of preparatory education
丂was applied. It is important for the nursing field that experienced students
丂become an advanced nursing specialist by entering a graduate school.

Nakasone committee
丂Although there is an issue how to evaluate the achievement of a program, it is
丂necessary to clarify what skills are required and are wanted to learn through the
丂course of island nursing. Making a program is not an objective, but it is
丂necessary to clarify what kind of capabilities are required for the island nursing.

Noguchi committee
丂The objective for raising capabilities of nursing is defined to be able to perform
丂evaluations, and it will be explained at the next evaluation meeting.
丂The outcome we expected was attaining the activation of health, medical care
丂and welfare of the island. Since the capability of the student was not clarified,
丂as pointed out, we would like to reflect on and retouch this.

Tamashiro committee
丂Since it is required, the systematic education is important to clarify the process
丂and to substantialize the education itself.

Noguchi committee
丂Since we are planning to propose that the program which has objective such as
丂developing island nursing specialist is important, we would like to construct the
丂program focusing on it.


亂 Contact 亃
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Graduate School
1-24-1 Yogi, Naha City, Okinawa
Phone: 098 (833) 8800
FAX: 098 (833) 5133